The average American loses $370 a year due to food waste. That’s a lot of money to toss into the trash can. But you can reduce food waste by implementing a few small changes that will help you get food waste under control.
The change begins in the home and with your buying habits. These simple habits can not only save you money, but they can be another step towards living a more green lifestyle. And with climate change, a looming factor in our lives, a little shift towards living green can be a significant step.
So, here’s what you can change at home to prevent food waste.
Don’t Buy Food In Bulk
Sure, going to Costco and stocking up might seem like it’s saving you money in the long run. But it’s not. Especially where produce is concerned. Produce can go bad quickly, which means that bag of bananas that were on sale might not last a full week.
Only buy what you know you will get through in a week. This will significantly reduce the amount of produce you throw in the trash.
Use What’s In Your Fridge First
Before you even go shopping, look in your fridge and pantry first to see what you already have. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve run out to shop and returned with items I already had on hand.
Take inventory before you go out and make a list of what you need. It can even help to plan your meals and snacks in advance, so you only get things you need for those recipes. That way, you use up what you already have and don’t buy more things you won’t get through.
Know-How To Store Your Food
Invest in good storage containers that will preserve both the food you make and the food you store. If you have more produce than you need, chop them up and toss them in the freezer before they go bad.
Things like apples, tomatoes, and bananas, should be stored by themselves, or they’re likely to ruin the produce around them. Eat foods like cauliflower and celery quickly, as they tend to go bad faster.
And don’t forget, anything can be put in the freezer. Don’t be afraid to toss it in before it goes bad.
Use All Parts of Your Food
Did you know that carrot tops can be used to make pesto? Ever thought about doubling a recipe to use all the ingredients instead of having to save half? There are so many ways to make sure you use every piece of produce you have.
And if you feel like you can’t double your recipe or it doesn’t make sense to include extra, then consider composting.
There are so many great ways to reduce your food waste. When you reduce your food waste, you’re saving yourself money that you could put towards other things and also helping out the environment. And what could be better than that?
What other ways do you save food waste?